Live Forever!
Recently I saw in a magazine an advertisement on anti-ageing. It urged people to buy this product and delay the effects of ageing. Of course, I was very wary. It seemed to me that nothing could delay the ongoing ravages of old age. No matter what one might do to delay growing older, nothing can stop the ageing process. Of course the end result is death which no one can avoid. To Martha, the grieving sister of a friend (Lazarus) who had died, Jesus said: "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this? (John 11:25,26)" Surely these are great claims which Jesus made near the graveside of Lazarus. At this time of the year when we remember how Jesus Himself rose from the dead (Matthew 28:5-7), we do well to reflect on what Jesus claims here. Miraculously, Jesus, the great miracle worker, had Himself raised three individuals from the dead: the widow of Nain's son (Luke 7:11), Jairus' (a ruler of the Jews) daughter (Matthew 9:25),and Lazarus, a friend (referred to in this chapter of the New Testament- John 11). Jesus in John 11:25,26 does indeed give to us the key to death itself. First of all, Jesus claims to be the Resurrection. As mentioned before, he had miraculously raised three people from the dead. Also, Jesus Himself rose again showing that He had power over death itself. Secondly, He is Life and in this way He claims to be our Life-giver. In other words, He is the great Creator (John 1:1-18). The Bible clearly states that everything in the whole universe was made by Him and for Him and is held together by Him (Colossians 1:15-17). Even as He gave life to us when we were conceived, He promises to be our Life. Clearly, He tells us how we can have life in Him. BELIEVE is the key. Put your faith and trust in Christ as your Saviour and Lord. Unless uou are alive when Jesus comes again, you will die. But death will have no Power over you. Susinctly, He categorically reassures us with the words: believe in Me and you will live even though you die! In other words, as you trust in Him you will live spiritually even though you die physically. He asserts boldly: "Whoever lives and believes in Me will never die". This is the key to ageing and death. Through faith, accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, live your life in His strength and you will never die. Praise the Lord, when the resurrected Christ comes into our lives, we live forever. Hallelujah!