Read The Manual
Recently, I started to use a new digital camera. It is loaded with many features. To be very frank, it is too much of a camera for me. I was using it the other day to shoot photos of my grandchildren. I forgot to turn it on. With the flash, I forgot to pop it up. Finally, I decided to get it out and figure it out using the manual. Already reading the instructions has helped me. I have much more to learn, but with practice and following the instructions I will learn all I need to operate the camera adequately. My camera has helped me realize that for us to make the most out of life we need to read and follow the manual God has given to us, viz. the Bible. The Bible has been given by the Lord to: teach us, reprove us, correct us, train us in righteousness. Through it the man of God becomes competent spiritually, and equipped for every good work (II Timothy 3: 16,17). The Bible is said to be the sword of the Spirit in the armor of the Christian (Ephesians 6: 17) . It is the only offensive weapon in the Christian's armor . With it and the rest of the armor, we are to battle against the rulers, against the authorities, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (spiritual realms)(Ephesians 6: 12). It is given to us so that above all we may be able to stand against the Devil and has hosts of darkness. Without it, we will be defeated by the forces of evil and will live a subnormal Christian life. Here are some things we can do to know the Bible better: 1. Read it (Every day spend time simply reading the Bible) 2. Memorize it (Try learning a verse per week. In your reading, pick out verses to memorize - verses that have been a blessing to you. 3. Meditate on it. (Memorizing it will help you meditate, think deeply about it!) 4. Share it with others. (When you find a good thought, pass it on.) 5. Obey it. The Bible will richly reward you as you develop a thirst for it. God bless you as you make time to spend in the Word of God every day. Don't forget, read the manual. Nowhere will you find a book like it (Hebrews 4:12).
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