A Reason For Thanksgiving
Hannah Whitall Smith in her classic book, "The God Of All Comfort" comments on the names for God in the Old Testament. Here are five names for Jehovah in the Bible which are a reason for thanksgiving:
Jehovah-jireh, i.e.,"I am He Who sees your need, and therefore provides for it."
Jehovah-nissi i.e. "I am your captain, and your banner, and He Who will fight
your battles for you."
Jehovah-shalom i.e. "I am your peace, I have made peace for you, and my peace
I give unto you."
Jehovah-tsidkenu i.e. "I am your righteousness. In Me you will find all you
need of wisdom, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption."
Jehovah-shammah i.e. "I am with you. I am your ever-present, all-environing God and Saviour. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Wherever you go, there I am, and there shall my hand hold you, and my right hand will lead you."
All these names for God are a reason for thanksgiving. Let us rejoice in God, our Saviour and Lord. Jesus is the One who embodies all these names. Also, He is "Immanuel", i.e. "God with us". His name "Jesus" is the Greek word for the Hebrew, "Joshua" meaning "Jehovah saves". He is our Saviour and Lord. Through His life, death and resurrection, He fulfills all that we could ever know of God. "In Him, the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily" (Colossians 2:9)! He is our cause for thankgiving. This Thanksgiving, let us give thanks to the One (Jesus) Whose name is above every name (Philippians 2: 9, 10,11).
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