Christmas Is Love
The greatest verse in the Bible is John 3:16 "For God So loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
This, in a nutshell is what Christmas is all about. This is the essence of Christ's Gospel (Good News.)
This verse tells us about love. God is the SOURCE of love, for God is love. God stooped down to earth and gave us His immeasurable gift, His Son, to save mankind.
The SCOPE of God's love is the "world", "whosoever". God's love is for everyone. Jesus would die for all mankind. No one would be left out.
SACRIFICE is at the heart of Christmas. Jesus came into the world as a helpless baby to give His life as a ransom for all. A ransom is the price paid to free someone from bondage. Jesus gave His life to ransom mankind from sin and selfishness. God's Law and His holiness demanded that someone die in place of us who are sinners. The cradle in Bethlehem must not be separated from the cross on Calvary's cruel hill just outside ancient Jerusalem where criminals were crucified for their crime. Note God gave "His only begotten Son", the only One of His kind. Jesus was Immanuel, "God with us". He is the very Son of God, God the Word (See John 1:1-5), God the second person of the Trinity, in essence the God/man! His life in value was worth far more than all mankind put together. No one who was only human could pay the price of our sin. God the Father demanded a perfect sacrifice. Another human would have to die for his own sins. Even Mary called God her Saviour implying that she was a sinner needing salvation like the rest of us. This shows us how wrong it is worship Mary. She was not the mother of God. She was mother to Jesus, the man. The Holy Spirit impregnated Mary so her child was called Son of the Highest.
Our SINCERITY is what we must have to experience God's love in Jesus. The text says "whoever believes" (puts one trust in, receives Him into one's heart as Lord and King forever - see John 1:12). Everybody will not be saved. Some reject Him or ignore Him. This antiChrist stance will deny them God's salvation at the Great White throne where the wicked will be judged and sentenced to doom forever! Have you believed in Jesus? If not why not receive Him now? Ask Him to come into your heart and make Him King and Master of ALL in your life. Read in the Bible Revelation 3:20
Note the SUPREMACY of God's love in Jesus. John 3:16 guaranties that believers in Jesus will not perish (go to wreck and ruin and end up in Hell, separated from God forever). Instead they will have everlasting life (life with God forever). What a promise! What a hope we have in Jesus.
I trust John 3:16 will become real in your life. To much of the world Jesus is the only "forgotten" Son of God. Please don't be one of those who ignore Him, reject Him, or remember Him only as a curse word. This Christmas make Him your Saviour and Lord forever. May 2009 be for all of us a time when we experience more and more John 3:16 and God's unsurpassing love! We love you. This is why we wrote this blog as a way of showing our love to you this Christmas. Never forget that no matter what sin you are guilty of, Jesus in love is ready and willing to forgive you. The song, "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" was written by a Canadian who had just lost his fiance in a tragic drowning accident. Even in such a sad situation he turned to Jesus and received God's love and help.
We all need Jesus in the trials and struggles of life even during a meltdown of the Stock Market where billions of dollars have been lost by investors. Only in such times can Christ's peace sustain us. His love can make all the difference between despair and inner contentment, love and peace. God bless you and yours this Christmas and throughout 2009!
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