Jesus The Thinker

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Greatest Country In The World

As we come to the celebration of Canada Day in Canada (July 1st), I must share with you some feelings about this great nation. Created as a country in 1867, Canada is a very young nation. It has been domonstrated over and over again the Canada is a strong democracy. We Canadians enjoy more freedoms than any other nation on earth. Our catalogue of rights and freedom as expressed in our charter is most impressive. Our courts have consistently ruled in favour of the individual thus strengthening our claim to freedoms.

Of the industrialized nations, only Canada is paying down its national debt every year. We have made great headway in recently years of balancing our fiscal house. God has been good to us by giving us: the most fresh water of any nation in the world as well as minerals in abundance (diamonds most recently) and great lands in which to grow crops. Our forests make up a large amount of the boreal forests of the world. We are working on cutting pollution and , hopefully, will help lead the world in cutting greenhouse gases in the future.

Why is Canada such a great nation? When I was a boy our population was only 15 million. Now it if 31 million! We have some of the most prestigious universities and colleges in the world. Our healthcare is unrivalled anywhere. The way our first peoples (treaty rights) and French as well as other peoples work together is most encouraging.

Canada was founded on the Bible. For this reason woman have as many rights and freedoms in Canada as men. The Bible has taught us the importance of individual life. We do decry the development of abortion clinics and the murder of the unborn. May God forgive us. We need to go back to our basics and understand that God will not hold us guiltless when we kill the unborn.

In our land are great churches. We call one and all to salvation in Christ Who alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Happy Birthday, Canada! Happy Canada Day to all our fellow Canadians. Our prayer for the nation is that of "O Canada": "God keep our land. Glorious and free. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee."


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