I Can't Keep Quiet Any Longer
I can't keep quiet any longer. World events are just moving too quickly. The Bible makes it clear that we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). Jerusalem, God's ancient city, through King David a legacy of the Jews, the ancient people of God, is to be a focus of our prayers. The end times have arrived. All one has to do is reflect on the virulent hatred poured out daily on the Jews in Palestine and one can see how events are leading to the coming of Christ, Jerusalem's eternal king and Israel's only legititmate Messiah.
I find it hard to sympathize in any way with those who talk about pushing the Jews into the sea and destroying the Israeli state. How reassuring it is that the United States is Israel's staunchest ally. Through our present government here in Ottawa, Canada also is a strong ally of Israel. That is not to say that we condone everything Israel does. In order to uproot Hezbollah Israel found it necessary to wage a bloody war in Lebanon. Such a war was regretable to us all. Hezbollah had been allowed to carve out areas for their rockets and army totally in contradiction to what the U.N. had decided a number of years ago. Southern Lebabnon was to be free of weapons and armies so Lebanon and Israel could live in peace. This was all laid down by U.N. resolutions when Israel left Lebanon and stopped its occupation. Inasmuch as these terms were brazenly flaunted by Hezbollah, this recent bloody war erupted. It is to be hoped that the international community and especially Lebanon will no longer allow Hezbollah to gain a foothold in southern Lebanon again. Let us pray to that end. After all, Hezbollah has been declared by western governments as a terrorist organization (not a "resistance army" as Lebanon calls it. It really is unbelievable to see the Lebanese authorities so enamored with Hezbollah. Unfortunately, it is the people of Lebanon who have paid the price of this policy!)
Will the present UN resolution passed August 11th, 2006, bring peace? The prospects are grim indeed and the indication is that the world may be right back to bloody warfare in that area again in the near future. Only prayer can help us avert this seemingly inevitable outcome. Lord, deliver us from the sinful savagery of the human heart, and give us peace. Pray that the descendants of Isaac (the Jews) and the posterity of Ishmael (the Arabs), both fathered by Abraham, may yet live in peace and love as brothers.
When Christ, our King returns to Jerusalem, peace will come to the world. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
Hello Chaplain,
Hope this is not too off topic for you.
At the core of the deceptions used to manipulate humanity is the concept of religion. Without it, Bush, the Neo-Cons, and their cohorts could never have gained and retained political power by manipulating an already deluded and susceptible constituency. Likewise, their thinly veiled partners in crime, Bin Laden and his ilk, could never have succeeded in their roles in this centuries-old Vatican-led grand deception.
We are all stuck in a web of interlocking deception formed by money, religion, and politics. The great evils that bedevil us all will never cease until humanity finally awakens, shakes off these strong delusions, and forges a new path to the future
Understanding the Fatal Flaws in Judeo-Christian-Islamic Prophecy
As certain world leaders strive to instigate a fabricated "battle of Armageddon," it is vital to understand and spread the truth about these ancient texts to help bring about an end to such abominable evil.
You can never expect philosophies based on lies and great error to lead to peace and harmony. How many more millennia of terrible proof is necessary before humanity finally gets a clue that most have been utterly deceived by the very concept of religion.
Pay close attention, profundity knocks at the door, listen for the key. Be Aware! Scoffing causes blindness...
Read the article here...
Seven Star Hand, at August 12, 2006 at 8:47 PM
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