Bold, Decisive Leadersip
So far, I've been impressed with Prime Minister Harper's leadership in Ottawa. While I'm able to see some unwise choices (eg.notably, the way David Emerson's defection to the Tory Cabinet was handled and the ensuing dissatisfaction in Emerson's riding of Vancouver/Kinsgway), on the whole I take my hat off to our new Prime Minister. He has acted decisively in many situations and has earned the respect of Canadians from coast to coast. Whether he will be able to continue leading as decisively as he has when Parliament sits again, I am not sure. The opposition parties would do well to note that Canadians will not soon stomach another election without disastrous results for those who cause it. I say, "Carry on, Mr. Prime Minister!"
While the way in which David Emerson 's defection was handled might have been unwise (perhaps he should have come into the cabinet as a Liberal rather than switching to a Conservative), it was a brilliant move. No one is better able to handle the Trade and Pacific Rim portfolio that David Emerson. As Canada moves toward the 2010 Winter Olympics, David Emerson will show his worth over and over again. I think there's a good chance that he might win Vancouver/Kingsway in another election if he does a good job as our Trade Minister.
The appointment of Michael Wilson as ambassador to the U.S.A., is excellent. Wilson was one of the moving forces behind NAFTA. If anyone can negotiate with the Americans in our trade battles, Michael Wilson is our man.
We continue to pray for the new Prime Minister and cabinet. A much reduced and streamlined cabinet is a rare accomplishment. God bless you as you lead our nation!
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