Jesus The Thinker

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Power Of One

Over and over again I have had people infer to me that one person can do nothing because the majority would likely completely outweigh his influence. As I have lived some sixty-five years, I have found this not to be true. One person can make a huge difference.

Some years ago, a large meeting of Christians was held on the west coast. Some fifty thousand were present when a power failure put out all lights in the area. The speaker stood to speak and simply lit his lighter. That small light could be seen over the entire stadium. Then the speaker went on to show how one candle can light a stadium. He quoted the famous words, "It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." In the same way, one Christian standing for Christ can light the path for millions (Good examples of this are Dr. Billy Graham, the worldwide evangelist, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, etc.)

In our own day, Chuck Cadman, independent member of parliament for Surrey (the constituency where I live) has become a powerful voice in Ottawa even though he is not part of the government. I admire Chuck greatly who, though ill with cancer, continues to carry out his parliamentary duties as much as possible. What's more, Chuck listens to his constituents, which is what MP's are supposed to do!

Chuck's one vote could topple our Canadian government on Thursday as a vote of confidence in the government will be held. For this reason, chuck has been interviewed and wrote up by many papers and in broadcasts across Canada. He has a unique and perhaps once in a lifetime opportunity to influence the very future of Canada. Our prayers are with him.

Don't ever think, dear Christian, that you are powerless. Stand up for Jesus! Don't be afraid to let your light shine for the Master. It will surprise you greatly how important you are. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor who dared to stand against the Nazis. He was imprisoned in a most cruel way for most of World War II. Just as the Allies were liberating Germany, the Nazis put him to death. But his valiant efforts have made him famous posthumously. His books are read around the world, especially, "The Cost Of Discipleship". Get it, if you can, and read it well. It will help you greatly in your walk with the Lord.

In many a home, if just one person took a stand for Christ the whole family might change. A student at school or with his compatriots can exercise great influence by knowing what he believes and standing up for it through hell and high water. I watched a small group of students in Mississauga stand before our Council when I lived there as they urged them to make sure abstinence would be taught as one of the options in sex education classes to avoid contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. In a country if one person stands against evil, the whole nation might well be turned around.Remember, Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in Heaven." (Matthew 5:16) So, Chuck, let your light shine right across this land on Thursday and vote for what's right! God will bless you for it.


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