Jesus The Thinker

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Values To The Core!

Apparently one overarching issue emerged in the recent American elections. What the American people were most concerned about was not the economy or the war in Iraq or even social issues. They were preoccupied with moral values as they went to the polling stations to vote. What was the result? President George W. Bush, a born again conservative, was reelected handily and the Republicans, champions of morality, ended up with a firm grip on Congress. The Democrats are still reeling from the lashing the electorate gave them. Hopefully they have learned a few lessons about the way America thinks.
I for one am glad to see this "return" to morality. Surely we have gone to far to the left with Hollywood leading the charge to unseat old-fashioned values. The people have finally clearly said,"Enough! It is time to return to morality!" It amazes me that our politicians would be taken by surprise in this return to the basics! After all, whenever people feel threated (as we do right now with the war on terrorism and Iraq) they return to values which have emerged as tried and proven in time of crisis.
So, we congratulate President Bush on his timely victory. We say to our senators and congressmen, "God bless you, our prayers are with you!" It is to be hoped that President Bush will soon be called upon to appoint one or two outstanding jurists to the Supreme Court. Then perhaps America will lead the way in protecting the rights of the unborn and modifying laws on abortion. Can a nationwide ban on same-sex marriages not be far off either?
Jesus' words echo in our minds, do they not? He said, "Are you still so dull? Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man unclean'. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander
(Matthew 15:16-20).
Wise is the people who pay attention to what is going on in the heart (inner self). For that reason, Americans are now turning to Jesus in droves so that they may be remade inwardly through His saving power. Herein lies America's greatestest strength. Didn't our forefathers seek to impress this upon us by putting on our money the slogan "In God We Trust!" In other words, "Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but to God what belongs to God." There is no other hope for America and the electorate discerned this in the way they voted on Tuesday, November second. Values to the core!


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