Jesus The Thinker

Monday, January 07, 2008

Atheism - Forget It!!

Over the Christmas season, I was listening to the BBC news. That day they had a guest who was a professor from Britain who had just released a book on atheism. He was trying avidly to persuade people to join the ranks of atheism and renounce any belief in God. His logic was less than compelling. At one point he said, “There is no evidence anywhere that God exists.” Immediately, into my mind came the thought, “Equally, there is no evidence in the world that God does not exist!”

An illustration came to my mind. When the cosmonauts and astronauts went into space above the earth, their comments were very interesting. The cosmonauts, from an atheistic, Communist country (the USSR), sent back to earth the observation, “We don’t see God up here anywhere!” Sometime later when America’s astronauts went into space they sent the message to earth, “We see God everywhere up here!” In other words, it all depends on one’s perspective. God purposely has made it impossible to know Him without faith (see Hebrews 11: 1, 6). Mind you, it is not that there are no indications that God exists. All around us, the order, symmetry, and beauty of God’s creation indicates that an amazing Architect is behind the universe. Also, the fact that in every human breast there is a longing for God attests to His existence. No one can explain life and personality apart from a divine intelligence.

As we face another year, it is reassuring to know that God, the Creator and Lover of our souls is with us. He Himself has decreed, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” I have walked with the Lord Jesus for over fifty years. Never has He let me down. He has blessed me more that I could ever expect. There is no friend like Jesus. To this I can give testimony.

When Tommy Dorsey the great bandleader of the war years and his wife were making preparations to have their first child, I understand that Tommy left on a tour of the southern states. The baby was not due for several weeks. Tommy’s wife, however, went into premature labour while he was gone. By telegram, word was sent to him to come home as quickly as possible. He came home to find his wife in very critical condition. The baby (a son) was delivered safely, but his wife died shortly after. In his grief, he thought he would at least have his son with him, but a day or two later, the baby died, too. Tommy Dorsey was cast into the deepest grief and depression. Those close to him feared for his sanity.

Finally, unable to go on any longer, he turned his inward eyes up to the Lord and the Lord reached out and touched him. From that life-changing experience he wrote the song,

Precious Lord, take my hand, Lead me on, help me stand.

I am tired, I am weak, I am worn.

Through the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light,

Take my hand, precious Lord, lead my home.

When my way grows drear, Precious Lord, linger near.

When my life is almost gone.

Hear my cry, hear my call, Hold my hand lest I fall.

Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.

How can atheism be any comfort in life’s hardest moments? By turning to the Lord Jesus and coming to Him we find rest in our souls (Matthew 12: 28-30). Self or chance (as atheism purports) can never take the place of God. The Lord God is simply irreplaceable.

Here is a Bible promise for the New Year: “Cast all your anxiety on the Lord, because He cares for you (I Peter 5: 7).”


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