Growing A Church Through Love
I have recently been looking for a new church home. I heard of a church right here in Surrey B.C. which gone from 50 to 2200 people in just three years. It is the fastest growing church in Canada. It is now the largest church in our Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches. From what I feel and observe, I am now preparing to join this church and make it my home church. How could a church grow so fast? The key is love. When I went into the church the first time, everyone spoke to me and gave me a hearty handshake. Then I entered the church building. They are now using a rented concert hall (Bell Centre For The Performing Arts). I think they will continue using the centre on into the future since to build would be prohibitive (in excess of 5 million dollars.) Moreover, the building is part of the key to growth, for it is spacious with rush seats and well laid out so everyone can see the stage clearly from any part of the auditorium. The Bell Centre has a very spacious foyer for folk to congregate before and after programs. Also, they are able to have a courtesy table to greet people and supply them with information on the church. An attached school provides lots of room for Sunday School, youth classes and nurseries. The music is geared to young people. Some may not like it (loud drums, guitars, loud speakers, special lighting effects). I'm convinced that unless we have music like this we will not have young people in our church. As it is, at our church (Village Baptist Church - The church is like a community, that is a village - thus the name VILLAGE Baptist Church!) we practically fall over young people they are so prevalent. There are some middle aged folk and just a few my age (65 yrs and older). Since I am older and have been in the ministry for 56 years, I have something to offer a young church. I fully intend to get involved. I have already been invited to a leadership meeting (more than 70 present) to give ideas to enhance the worship (dance, drama, etc.) I have suggested that we start a hymnspiration hour on Sunday afternoons so we can come together to sing the old hymns for a whole hour. I've talked to a number of young people who want to come and learn the old hymns that their parents and grandparents have sung, too. It is gratifying to see how the Lord is going to bless on into the future through our committed young people The church also has a Community groups structure. These smaller groups (anywhere from 12 to 50 folk) are also a key to growth, for through these groups friendships are formed and true caring can result. I plan to get into one of these groups so I can get to know in depth some fellow Christans. Incidentally, all the pastoral staff are quite young and very progressive in their thinking. Talk about faith! This Sunday we are going to three services to accomodate everyone. We will soon be full at all three services which means we will be ministering to over 3000 souls. The biggest attraction for me is the preaching. Though the pastors go into the pulpit dressed in any kind of clothes (the lead pastor wore torn jeans for preaching recently - I thought it was great. The messages are always full of the Gospel and point to Christ. The whole church has a desire to be Christ-centred. (In contrast, I recently attended a church service in an evangelical church where the pastor was going through the psalms. The pastor never mentioned Jesus, our Lord, at all!! No wonder this church is dying.) Jesus did say "And I, if I be lifted up will draw all men unto myself!) Let us never forget that a church grows through love- love for Christ and each other. This is how we grow a church through love. When you think of me, do pray for me and our church. We need all the prayer we can get. Pray that as an older pastor I may be able to be a resource person to the pastoral staff and to any of the myriad of young people who attend. The other night, I saw a young man with sandy blond hair. He had two black ear rings in his ears. I complimented him on how neat they looked. He almost fainted that I, as an older man, would give such a compliment. But this one comment gave me a chance to talk with five young people who were with him. We have to show love toward our young people rather than criticism. And we who are older must talk to young people so as to share our "life lessons" with them. They love it! One thing I share is that my wife and I have been married for 52 yrs. They can hardly believe it in an age when divorce and separation are so prevalent. If you are ever in Surrey, why don't you come and worship with us? You will see love in action and be blessed, I am sure.
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