Calm In The Midst Of Chaos
Being a father and a grandfather, I just can't help but feel deep pain in my soul for the children of this world. So many of them are in horrendous circumstances. Some are actually slaves and serve as child soldiers and sex objects. Others have been taken over by unscrupulous people who will do anything to make money through the internet, etc. by making and selling kiddie porn. It is enough to make one sick to one's stomach. Childhood should be a time of pleasant memories and the partial realization of dreams. These young ones caught up in such evil will only remember exploitation and the marring of their psyches for life.
In Africa one third of the adult population has AIDS. Many children will be forced to assume the responsibilities of adults long before their age would warrant it. The trouble spots of the world (Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc.) are other places where grave danger lies for children. I cannot understand why adults cannot put away their petty differences and agree to disagree in order to build a peaceful society for their children and loved ones. Add to this the homes where spousal abuse and incest take place as well as inordinate tension due to financial problems, health concerns, etc., and the children of the world are not very safe or happy for the most part.
Into this pessimistic scene comes our loving Saviour, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Jesus can make all the difference for many of these youngsters. It is reassuring to know that in many of these troubled spots, God's servants go on helping children to regain dignity and find in the Saviour and the Bible help towards forgiveness and salvation forever. Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are burdened and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me. For I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"(Matthew 11: 28-30).
If you want calm in the midst of chaos, give your heart to Jesus. Ask Him to be your Master forever. He has never yet turned anyone away. He can forgive all sin. After all, He died on the cross for us. Give Jesus a chance. Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the one who trusts in Him.