Intelligent Design vs Evolution
Intelligent Design vs Evolution
It is refreshing to see a new debate on the origins of man emerging in scientific circles. Many of our leading scientists today are professing Christians. A number of them are Nobel prize winners and are at the top of their field in science. They, along with many teachers and the public in general have found evolution to be inadequate to explain how mankind came about on this planet.
I well remember when I took a biology course at the University Of Toronto that our prof over and over again interjected, "now we suppose", "it seems likely that...", etc. And the suppositions were immense, preposterous and utterly unproven. Well do I remember coming away from those classes and thinking, "It takes more faith for one to accept evolution than to believe in divine creation!" One such supposition was that a premordial sea creature orginally lived in the sea. As the sea dried up over millions of years, this creature, scrounging around in the mud, began to develop lungs and rudimentary appendages making it possible to crawl on dry land. Finally it emerged as one of the precursors of man. This is hardly science, yet such chance evolution is taught as scientific fact to our young people!
Think of the spinoffs which evolution has spawned in our modern-day society:
1) downgrading of human life ("We're just animals" ... Thus abortion is fine even though an unborn fetus is a blob one minute and after birth a baby!!)
2) relative/situational ethics (no objective standard morally .. no wonder our moral values have gone down the drain)
3) Where taught without counterbalances (like the Bible and Christianity), evolution has ruined whole societies (eg. atheistic U.S.S.R. and Nazi Germany) The atrocity known as the Holocaust became a reality partly because of evolution.
While the teaching of Divine Creationism ("In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth", a fundamental belief which many of us Christians prefer to evolution)
might cross the line of the separation of church and state in the U.S. and Canada, Intelligent Design Presents an alternative to evolution that is intriguing to say the least. God may not be named in this hypothesis, but He is implied. Instead of expostulating that the most intricate glories of nature (eg. the eye and intelligent thought, etc.) just happened over millions of years, our scientists would teach that all these marvels of nature point to Intelligent Design. Students would then be urged to consult with their religious affiliations (eg. their church, the Bible, the Koran, etc.) and see what their faith teaches about Intelligent Design. Intelligent Design would be taught as an alternative to evolution. It would be up to the student to determine which he/she felt was more plausible and believable.
What a refreshing development in scientific circles. If something like this had not emerged, our whole public education system could be in danger of disintigrating. As it is, many parents are removing their children from the public school system due to evolution, the teaching of same-sex marriages and homosexual values, secularism and such emphases. They then enroll their children in first class private schools.
Parents have proven that they will not abandon their impressionable children to such secular influences as chance evolution. I can hardly blame them. It is time humanists and secularists decided to cooperate with people of belief to give our young people the best education possible. Intelligent Design could be one of the building blocks in such a system. Why are evolutionists so fearful? If their theories are so believable, what do they have to fear if an alternative like Intelligent Design is presented?