A Troubled Canadian
I don't know when a national decision has affected me so much. Just before Parliament wrapped up for the summer, Canada's members of Parliament passed Bill C38 legalizing same-sex marriages. More than likely, it will pass through our Senate quickly and become law in Canada in the very near future.
What is alarming is that this bill passed even though the majority of Canadians oppose such a national law. Canada's religious groups (of all persuasions) overwhelmingly are against this bill. The majority of Canadians also oppose such a move. Inasmuch as "marriage" has always been a religious concept in Canada, one wonders why gay unions have to be linked with marriage in any way. Why can't gays legalize their union in others ways (ëg. "civil union") and leave marriage as it is for the joining together before God of one man and one woman. But, no, because gays oppose this, in the name of tolerance, their viewpoint has been adopted while the rest of Canada have been checkmated by parliament and our courts. One wonders how long it will be before clergy are prosecuted for refusing to perform gay marriages in Canada. I know we clergy have been assured that that will not happen, but what has just happened (passing of Bill C38) which only a few short years ago was considered impossible is now a reality in Canada. So what is going to stop dissenting clergy from being sued and harrassed if they do not comply with the wishes of the gay community?
After all, gays will not feel safe until their abnormal and unnatural lifestyle is considered on a par with heterosexual marriage though it flies in the face of what is natural and what God has decreed from the beginning. They have been known to virulently go after those who oppose their gay rights agenda in the past. What is to say they will not even more harshly do the same in the future?
In fact, I venture to suggest that it is not Canada's majority who are intolerant, but the gay, and vocal minority in this country. They are ruthless with religious leaders or politicians who disagree with their lifestyle and try as much as possible to mock those who disagree with them and, where they can, undermine those who oppose them.
Of this we can be sure, though a law has been passed making what is morally wrong legal in this country, it will not ever be right in the eyes of a holy God. Unquivocably, the Bible (and most other religious books) from the beginning endorses heterosexual unions as what God intended from the beginning (Genesis 2:18-25, Romans 1:18-32, I Corinthians 6: 9-11). Even if the whole world were to say that such gay unions were right, let God be true and every man a liar if necessary. And let's never forget that a day is coming when the conduct of each individual will be judged by God's laws not man's. I rest my case knowing that man may confuse morality due to a twisted way of thinking or pressure from those whose thinking is not natural, but God does not! May the Lord have mercy on our politicians for passing such erroneous legislation and may He have mercy on our nation which for the first time in memory has passed such legislation which so blatently and offensively contradicts God's
moral Law.