Jesus The Thinker

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Let's Reverse Same-Sex Legislation

Canada is at the crossroads right now. At last we have had a change in our national government. Although the Conservatives under Prime Minister Stephen Harper do not enjoy a majority government, they have proven already that they can bring in some bold legislation and have it passed in parliament.

Thankfully, our new Prime Minister has never hidden the fact that he is opposed to same-sex marriages. Many of us have bided our time in urging the new government to do something about this travesty of morality in our country. Sometimes, however, we can keep silent no longer. In one of our Vancouver newspapers the other day, a reporter audaciously said that some of the Conservative caucus are saying they have had few letters on this subject of same-sex marriages and that it would be better for the government to keep silent about it. This reporter needs to understand that the reversing of same-sex marriage laws are every bit as dear to our hearts as ever. I call on all of us to write the Prime Minister's office and our MP's asking them as soon as possible to pass legislation to get rid of this affront to our moral values.

As a chaplain and a clergyman, I am as opposed as ever to the marriage of same-sex couples. The Bible is diametrically opposed to such marriage (re Romans 1: 18-32; I Corinthians 6: 9-11)!
Marriages in our country are weak enough without muddying the waters with same-sex marriage. Children are confused enough and should not have their sexual orientation weakened by laws that are contrary to common sense and nature.

Another big factor in all of this is that the courts are really the ones who have forced us into this present position on same-sex marriage. Since Parliament has refused to act with proper legislation to clarify marriage in Canada, we are faced with a situation that is intolerable. Parliament has every right to act. We are calling upon our new government to act as quickly as possible to make marriage what it has always and universally been, namely, "the union between one man and one woman"! While I could be wrong, I do believe that there are now sufficient mp's who would vote with the Conservatives to make new legislation strengthening marriage and outlawing all other types of marriage (polygamous, same-sex, etc.) that it would pass handily. Before when legislation along these lines was passed, the former government refused to allow the cabinet to have a free vote. Now it should be different. As part of this bold initiative for parliament to clarify marriage in Canada, every concerned Canadian should contact his member of parliament and the Prime Minister's Office urging them all to reverse the offensive legislation making same-sex marriages legal in Canada. Remember, the holy God will bless our efforts.


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