Jesus The Thinker

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Only Way To Peace

With Christmas in the offing, one looks at the world and can only shake one's head. This troubled world is once more filled with violence and war. The most glaring examples would be Darfur, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Middle East is a smoking volcano, ready to blow up at any time, it seems. Although the West pours in millions of dollars and troops in abundance, it seems impossible for us to control the savagery inherent in the human psyche.
Of course, we may say that Canada is at rest and nonviolent until our newspapers and newscasts are perused. In our land, women fear for their lives with partners who are ready to beat, maim and kill them in order to control them. Children are at risk in subtle but life-shattering ways as kiddie porn, internet stalkers and even parents who are ready to exploit even their own. Young underaged girls work the streets in our downtown core and elsewhere as prostitutes with pimps who are violent. So sinful is the heart of man, that even fathers buy the services of these girls!
One African newcomer to our country levelled with me on one occasion and said he had experienced the backlash of great prejudice in our country. Newcasts indicate that all kinds of tensions exist between our ethnic groups. This racial bigotry, at times, bursts forth in most unfortunate bone-chilling violence.
What is the answer to all this violence and brutality. God has already given us the answer. His beloved Son, Jesus our Lord, is the Prince Of Peace. He is the One Who can bring peace. It all starts with opening one's life to Him and allowing Him to take over control. Jesus has proven that He brings love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control (Galatians 5: 22,23). Once He brings peace through His cross between an individual and God, He then brings peace within and peace with others through a love that captivates the human soul.
Recently, I held my youngest grandson, Adam, in my arms in the hospital. I looked into his handsome little face and remembered that God sent a baby at Christmas whose name would be "Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus has proven to be our peace in many situations throughout history. Fundamentally, Christmas has been the coming of the Prince Of Peace to this world. As we individually embrace Him as our Lord and Saviour, amazing results accrue. Unlike some religions in the world, Jesus calls us to embrace peace rather than the gun and violence. Never before in history has the difference between Jesus and other religious leaders been in such stark contrast. He is in a league all by Himself as He calls us to "love" our enemies and pray for those who persecute and misuse us. Why not turn your life over to Him and see what He can do? After all, the message of Christmas is, "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3: 16). Jesus is the Prince of Peace!


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